It's simple. It pays.
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Engage | Reward | Retain | Refer


Whether you call them donors, members, pass holders, clients, service agreements, potential clients - we have the solution that provides true value to engage and reward your base, encouraging retention and increasing referrals. 


100% turnkey solution with proven success


Staying top of mind, and finding new ways to engage with stakeholders is paramount to effective growth strategies no matter the type of business or activity you participate in. 

ShoppingBoss offers a reason to engage with your base that goes beyond the typical interaction. We give you the ability to reward those who are most important to your success. Access to ShoppingBoss is exclusive and is only achieved through participating with partners just like you.

Our merchant partners are major national retailers, restaurants, and travel brands. Our business is stable and privately held with no debt. Our customer service is in house and personal. 

Our success is built on yours. 

We would love to spend some time going through our value proposition, how we can help your organization with engagement.

We've provided these metrics to show that our member base is active and enthusiastic about earning cash back, and each of these sales indicates a time when your business or non-profit could be touching your base.

How would your initiatives be impacted if you were rewarding and engaging through the every day purchases of your donors, members, clients, and more...

Continue reading to learn more.




merchants and growing


earned by members to date



Digital gift card sales




Retain your base, and increase organic referrals.


Now that your key people are earning cash back thanks to their participation with you, you have created an organic referral solution that is compelling. 

Your members will see a reminder of your initiatives when they earn cash back making every day purchases and they tend to be vocal with their network about their cash back earned through ShoppingBoss.

It's a great story, and we want you to be a part of it.

To keep you top of mind, we offer private label solutions including header branding as well as a featured banner on the member landing page. Customized reporting allows you to keep an eye of the success of your program, but we manage the customer experience and service for you.

We provide implementation plans that are custom designed for your goals. To get to know you better, we offer a private webinar for your team to understand our offer, and then we listen to the challenges you have to overcome, and offer a solution.

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Limitless applications.


Let's talk about yours.
